Thursday, June 11, 2009

Why I'm Thankful For My Hair

I know this seems like an odd topic for a post. But, let me tell you, I'm thankful for my hair. It can get rather frizzy. And a surprising amount of grey is sprouting. But I know how it feels to look in the mirror and have the horrifying thought that I may not have hair in a few months.

Four years ago my hair had gotten so thin that my ponytail was the thickness of a pencil. I kept it long so that I could wrap it around the crown of my head to cover up some especially thin areas. Seriously, I looked in the mirror and thought, "If I keep losing my hair at this rate, I won't have any in a few months." It fell out in such quantities that it looked like a rat on the shower floor each time I washed my hair. Sorry for the awful mental picture. It was awful!

I was at a total loss. I was following all the health advice and taking all the right vitamins. Or so I thought. You can read more about what changed here. But, the point of this brief blog post is to say that I am truly thankful for my hair. It's not glamorous, but it is there... and lots of it!

By the way, in case you were wondering, I don't pluck out my grey hair. I am pleased to keep every strand... even the grey, which grows mostly along my hairline in the front so you can't see it in this snapshot.


Noel said...

Oh wow, that's great! Is that because of the vitamins you think?

Amy Ellen said...

Yes, Noel. I do think it was a direct result of the vitamin change. I had tried EVERYTHING else, with no results. So, when I noticed a change in just two weeks after switching vitamins, I was pretty convinced. You can read "My Personal Health Journey" for the whole story.

Cut/paste this into your browser to get there:

: ) Amy Ellen

Jenelle said...

Wow, what a great testimony! I read your other post too about your personal health journey. You have beautiful hair. :)

Kristi said...

How BEAUTIFUL!!!!!!! I am growing my hair out, and am determined to keep it long this time. I hope I can afford better vitamins one day...I know it will help.

Brenda said...

Beautiful hair! My grey hair grows in the front too, but I must confess, I DO pluck mine!

Summer said...

Well I think your hair is beautiful. It has such lovely natural curl!

Amy Ellen said...

Thank you so much for your sweet words, ladies. I am truly thankful.

Peace and joy, Amy Ellen

Anonymous said...

I would love to have your hair! Might have to look into Shaklee products...

Christian Frugal Mama said...

Wow. That's great that it all changed for you, it looks lovely now! Just wondering about your thoughts and opinions on the "raw food" stuff. I've been reading a lot and I can see a lot of the logic and benefit behind it. Just wondering what a fellow Christian mom thinks! :)

Amy Ellen said...

Hi Christian Frugal Mama,

I have a long answer to the Raw Food question. We followed the Halelujah diet for a year and a half before we came to our conclusions... which are long : ) I will try to post on this next week since I have had many people ask my thoughts on the subject.

Thanks for your question!
Amy Ellen

Jennifer C. Valerie said...

That is an awesome head of hair and after reading your personal story post I can see why you would be so thrilled to have it.

busymomof10 said...

What beautiful hair!!!