Wednesday, February 10, 2010

The Lump

Okay, so I'm going to tell you what the lump above and behind my cesarean incision is. I mean, what if there is someone who googles "what is the painful lump behind my cesarean scar?" or "what could cause this pain behind my incision six weeks after a cesarean delivery?"

I mean, people google stuff when they're concerned... and maybe reading my story will help.

So the OB said it wasn't a hernia, which could be caused by a weak spot when the abdomen healed, because it didn't bulge when I coughed. Good to know.

I gathered that it couldn't be an adhesion, because such things take longer to form and to be noticed.

It is, according to the doctor, at the exact spot where he tied a knot at the end of the row of dissolvable stitches in the fascia layer. Apparently there is a conglomeration of tissue at that spot. It has gathered there in order to help with the healing. And, as the stitches dissolve and the spot heals, the tissue will dissipate. It is not permanent. Which, in my mind, is very good news.

It may hurt while I move around a lot, but the doctor encouraged me to exercise anyway. Doing so will circulate more blood around the region and promote faster healing. So, there you have it. The pain is temporary. And that sure makes it more endurable. (Is that a word?)

Back to school... I'll return later today!


5 Chicks and a Farmer said...

so glad everything is okay! i've had 3 c-sections...not a fan, but necessary:). I'll have to remember this for future reference;)

love your blog! i've been a long time reader just never had the guts to comment:)

Jonesey said...

Praise the Lord!

I'm sure that is a relief to know!

Christie said...

What great news! I've been praying for you, and its good to know that you just need some time to heal!

Anonymous said...

You are not weird! I just had to have an injection in my c.section incision. After 18 months I was still experiencing sharp/stabbing pain in the incision - come to find out it is very common. Something to do with the nerves did not come back together and had developed balls of something on the ends - basically every time something would bump or rub against my incision I was getting "shocked" by the frayed nerves. The injection was not fun but it has been almost a month and I can rub the area with no more pain so it was worth it! Hope yours heals soon!!1