This is my last post on Health Begins With Mom. At least for my foreseeable future. I have really enjoyed writing this blog, and I hope that you have been inspired by it... Inspired to be the voice of support, the source of joyful energy in your home. I hope I have encouraged you to embrace your nurturing role as mom... and to do your very best in keeping your loved ones healthy... to give it your all... and to give yourself grace when you can't do it all.
It's not that blogging is time-consuming. It is possible for me to order my day so that I have thirty minutes to an hour of computer time while my children "rest."
It is that blogging is thought-consuming. I find that I'm frequently thinking of the next post, of a series I am working on, of recipes I'd like to share, of photos that I need to snap while I'm cooking. I am privileged to have had the extra thinking time to blog over the last year and a half. But now, I need to direct those extra thoughts elsewhere.
I am not going to close up Health Begins With Mom though.
First, I would like all of these posts to still benefit others. So I am keeping all of this information (and these recipes) available for you and for those who will stumble upon this blog in time to come.
Second, I would like the option to come back to blogging at Health Begins With Mom if things work out that way in the future. It would be great to just pick up where I left off. Interestingly, this is my 300th post. So, I would pick up at 301...

I am still continuing as an Independent Shaklee Distributor and as a woman eager to serve other women -- so please continue to email me. I would love to hear your story. And I will still do my best to answer your questions.
For your health,

I have really enjoyed your blog! I will miss reading here...I'm so thankful to know you IRL! But I'm more thankful to call you my friend.
So sad to hear this, but I understand! This blog has really been life changing for me. I'm so glad you will keep the older posts up for us to refer to. Blessings to you and your family. Andrea
I know what you mean about it being all thought consuming, the blogging! I am completely guilty of that and I almost got on to signoff today too!!!
I'll miss you!
Say hi to your hubs for us!
I'm glad you are leaving it open! You've spent so much time and energy on all that's in here, and it should stay open for other's to continue to grow from, and get help from!
I think it will be nice too, because if something comes up that you just feel led to share or add to the blog, you will have that ability.
Thank you for all you have taught me through this blog and blessings to you and your family!
Best of luck on your next adventure. Thanks for sharing so much.
I'm bummed...but thanks for leaving the site up. I continuously come back here and look through older posts. Are there any other similar blogs you can recommend?
go you for choosing what is really important! that is totally inspirational!!!
thank you for the time you've invested. I've learned so much from your blog.
thank you for the time you've invested. I've learned so much from your blog.
I certainly commend you on making this tough decision! There are so many things vying for our time and attention these days! It can be a challenge to keep blogging in proper perspective. And yet, I am extremely disappointed to hear this news. I will miss your updates, but will certainly continue to visit your blog as I read or re-read older posts. They are so informative, and I have learned so much from you and other real food bloggers! I hope you will drop back in from time to time and share a thought or a recipe with us! But if not, I totally understand. I would never have been able to blog with a baby!
Thank you so much for this wonderful blog. I have loved every post and will probably come back every once in a while to look at old posts. Thanks for all you've shared.
I am very sad, but understand. I hope that perhaps you will occasionally post more recipes.
thank you for all of your wisdom! i really have learned so much through you. i will miss new posts, but will definitely come back to your blog over and over again to learn more and get new meal ideas. thanks for all of the time you've poured into educating other moms!
Am sad to hear about it. Thanks for sharing.
Just stumbled on your blog... haha, the 300th post, thanks for being faithful, thanks for being a voice of reason and freedom to what can become blogging madness. And thanks for leaving the blog up so that your wisdom and efforts will live on. Come back in a new season!!!
Great post, thanks for sharing.
Very Nice Blog !
I Like This Very Much.
Methods of Modern Farming
nice post!! let's share what can we share.
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